Saturday, April 3, 2010

I Went Away and Heddy Changed

It happens sometimes everyone changes but I guess I was totally unprepared for how much a puppy can grow in just 3 short weeks.

Unfortunately Heddy was not old enough to go with us on vacation this year.  We have a home in Hawaii and go there for Vacation. Hawaii has VERY strict rules as to allowing pets into the state and Heddy just does not qualify yet. We are working on it and she should be OK by next year. But in the meantime she got to spend three weeks at the Pet Spa.

Now this is no ordinary Kennel. This was a Pet SPA. It is run by a friend of mine that raises English Labs so I knew that Heddy would be fine.  But leaving her was still very traumatic for ME. She handled it just fine. Like a kid off to school not even a look back just wanted to go play with all her new friends. According to the staff Heddy had something to say about everything and was soon running the place.  She got along well with all the dogs so had lots of good social interaction.

Looks like I was the one that suffered most. If you can suffer in Hawaii.


The big shock for me came when first saw her after the Three weeks. Not only was she Bigger BUT WHERE DID ALL THAT FUR COME FROM !

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So needless to say I am learning how to strip a Border Terrier and we are back in Obedience Classes she settled back in after a few days of being reminded that the BARKING was NOT going to work here it seems to have slowed up .

And so I guess I no longer have much of a Border Terrier Puppy but now have a Border Terrier!