Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We have Arrived

Heddy got to sleep in bed her first night not sleeping in a crate it took her a LONG time to settle down but once she did she was OUT. I may have made a mistake here. IMG_8244

We got up around 5:30 and got moving we were packed and on the road by 7 AM. Once again Heddy sacked right out in her Crate. What a great traveler. Made great time and arrived in NC at the Mountain Inn by 1:00 PM a total Road time of almost 12 hours.  After unpacking we went out to explore the Show grounds and to give Heddy a little outside time. Had a nice walk ran into Carol and Cheddar and met lots of other folks and Borders. I think Heddy’s Head is spinning with all the doggie smells and sights. She is not about to listen to ANYTHING I have to say to her.

After our walk we came back to the room and Heddy discovered the Goodie Bag. I waked in just as she was finishing off the dog treats.

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So from now on when I leave the room she will be staying HERE!


Well off to bed we learn about Earthdog tomorrow!

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