Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Visit to the Beach

After spending TOO much time cooped up indoors we decided to try and find somewhere ANYWHERE that Heddy could run around and play!  So Friday afternoon when office hours ended we headed for Rehoboth and an afternoon at the Beach. I figured the sand would be one place not covered with SNOW!

Well I was almost right. most of the Beach was Snow free and Heddy got to chase a few Seagulls. But getting there was an adventure.  Most of the sidewalks were not cleared and the Boardwalk was covered with ICE and Snow three feet deep in some places.

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Puppy Games

Well after a week of shoveling snow we were just thrilled to get another 24 inches of SNOW.  We were lucky to only lose power for a few hours. Looks as if some folks will be out for days.
Our biggest issue has been how to wear out a 4month old ACTVE Border Terrier when you are stuck inside. Heddy LOVES the snow BUT I do not. And even she can only be out in it for short periods of time. We decided to Play PUPPY GAMES inside.
We worked on Crate training. Door to the crate is open I toss a treat into the crate tell Heddy “Crate” and then as soon as she enters the crate and finds her treat I tell her to sit and then wait before I call her to me for anther treat.
CrateCrate1Crate2 Waiting  
Next game was climbing onto boxes of different heights and surfaces ending up on a foot stool .

stand1 cokestand
Our final game is Heddy’s favorite FIND IT.
I would hide a piece of liver under a box and then let her search for it. then I would hide her favorite toy and let her find it. Of course I always have to trade piece of liver for the toy!
find it
A tired and HAPPY PUPPY!